I've always thought there are certain names that go well with wrestlers, names like Armstrong, Slaughter, Samson, Hunter, Payne. And as a first name, Matt is always a good one for a wrestler. There's a dude at Rock Hard Wrestling named Max Powers, which is another great name for a wrestler. It implies strength, stamina, domination. But we don't really get to see that coming from Max Powers in his match against Cody Nelson. It's a fun match to watch with a lot of sweat and muscle. Cody owns Powers, using multiple crotchlifts and bodyslams in the process. Speaking of wrestling names, Cody Nelson also has an appropriate one. I remember one time wrestling a kid named Nelson (last name, not first), and I thought it was kind of funny that I kept using a half nelson to put him on his back for points. Of course, your name doesn't really matter so long as they call you Winner once the match is over.
An awesome Backbreaker in the last of the four pics!