Thunders Arena has a knack for finding athletic dudes who end up being play things for bigger muscle studs. Angel and Tak are two that I have featured in the past, and now another one is Mogly. He's a decent size at 5' 10" and 160 pounds, but this makes him easy pickings for the big heels of Thunders Arena. We've already seen Mogly fall victim to Dominic, and then there was that stunning gorilla press by Z-Man. Now we get wrestler Specimen having his way with the little (by comparison) dude. Who's next in line to press Mogly overhead? If I were the king of Thunders Arena, Braden Charron would be first in line, with Python on deck.
I love Specimen and have downloaded all 6 of his matches so far at Thunder's Arena. The man is jacked, and is intimidating all while being sexy as hell.