Monday, February 11, 2019

Scrappy is a Muscleboy

Sorry, I've been out of pocket for a few weeks and haven't posted anything.  But lucky for me, I returned just in time to see the release of Muscleboy Wrestling's newest series of matches.  For me, the big news from Muscleboy is that our little hero Scrappy from Thunders Arena (and other wrestling promotions) is now at Muscleboy.  To be totally accurate, Scrappy appeared in his first match two months ago, so he's not completely brand new, but nonetheless I'm excited to see him at Muscleboy.  But there's more!  Dante is back at Muscleboy, too!  It's no secret that I'm a huge fan of Dante as well.  And it gets even better because Scrappy and Dante appear in a wrestling match against each other!  There's no way I can miss this match!  I can't decide who I envy more.  Is it Scrappy because he gets to wrestle Dante?  Or is it Dante because he gets to wrestle Scrappy?

I like seeing Scrappy at Muscleboy because he's among wrestlers that are closer to his size.  At Thunders Arena, he tends to be on the smaller side when he goes up against all those huge bodybuilders.  The competition at Muscleboy should allow Scrappy to be more competitive in his matches.  Also, Scrappy fits right in at Muscleboy because he's . . . well, he's a muscleboy.  And he knows it.  This match begins with Scrappy performing a little show flexing his muscles.  That's worth the price of admission alone.  When Dante finally walks onto the mat, he can't help but look with admiration upon his jacked opponent.  "Oh, wow, I like your body!" the Latin stud says with a smile.  The cocky Scrappy flexes and observes, "The first words that come out of most people's mouths when they see me like this."  Scrappy tells Dante that he'll let him worship his muscles, but they have to wrestle first.  When the action begins, Dante learns that the wrestling itself is the muscle worship.  The Latin wrestler gets up close and personal with his opponent's muscles as the powerful Scrappy takes Dante for a wild ride.  To be fair, this is not a total one sided match, and Dante gets in some punishing moves that really make Scrappy suffer (and, boy, does Scrappy know how to suffer!).  But for me the beauty of this match is when our muscleboy Scrappy treats Dante as if he's nothing more than his personal boy toy.  So, the question remains open.  Who do I envy more?  Scrappy, because he gets to have Dante as his boy toy?  Or Dante, because he gets to be Scrappy's boy toy?

Scrappy shows he is all muscleboy!


  1. totally agree with you. scrappy vs dante is a hot match i hoped to see. now if only scrappy would wrestle ethan.....

  2. Yea, Scrappy really rocks it out. He fights well but his reactions to punishment are so gunnin. His grimace, double overs, grunts when takes it hard in his stomach and groin, makes any young gun hard in their jeans. Me included.

  3. The more I watched Scrappy the harder I get!

  4. Anyone know any of the links for Scrappy in some bondage?
