The bodyslam is all about back punishment. You pick a dude up, lift him high, then slam him hard to the ground on his back. But there are other ways to get at the back. One way is the OTK backbreaker, which I had an earlier post about. Another way is to drive your opponent's back into a metal pole. I had the misfortune last year of wrestling around with a bigger guy (OK, not misfortune, because the guy was pretty jacked). At one point when we were messing around, he scooped me up and rammed my back into a metal pole that was in the basement we were wrestling in. It's humiliating enough as it is to have another guy carrying you around with his arm in your crotch. Having him crush your back into a metal pole just adds to the humiliation. Now to be honest, I asked him to bodyslam me, and it was a lot of fun, but I wasn't expecting the added punishiment of him repeatedly pressing my back up against the pole.