I figured I'd continue on the theme of my last post, but with a little twist. Although I usually prefer to do the bodyslamming, there are some guys I want to bodyslam me. These guys here fall into this category. The first is Batar from Thunders Arena, and his technique is why I think it would be fun to be slammed by him. You can see examples here and here. He gets a deep, tight crotch hold and lifts you up high. These earn high style points in my book, and it makes for a beatiful bodyslam. The next guy is Zack Vazquez, who wrestles at Thunders Arena, Rock Hard Wrestling, and other productions. There's something about him that intimidates me, not exactly sure what, but it's a good intimidation. If we faced off together, it probably wouldn't be long before he took control and scooped me up for a slam or otk backbreaker. The third guy is Dave Calbrese from No Rules Wrestling. He's earned my respect by being a tough wrestler who can slam just about anyone. He would be fun to wrestle. And finally, there's Austrian wrestling stud Sexy Peter White. There's no doubt he would have my ass flying across the ring.