I hope the folks at BGE don't mind me sharing this picture with you, but there's just a whole lot of awesome about it. This comes from a recent
match between young muscle stud Austin Cooper and experienced pro Dick Rick that you guys should check out. I haven't seen the match itself, but the pictures speak for themselves. Given his experience and size advantage (he's 50 pounds of muscle bigger), it looks like Dick Rick has no trouble demolishing his smaller foe. First of all, this is a great shot of a gut buster. It's a fun move to do. Like a bodyslam, you lift your opponent up after you get a good hold of his crotch, and you bring him down hard for what's sure to be a good hurting. Cooper looks like a little kid in Rick's arms here, like he's being taken for a kiddie airplane ride. His muscled body is useless. The look of anguish and despair on his face is priceless. Being dominated in a wrestling match will do that to you. This isn't something you go brag to your buddies about afterwards. You hope they never even learn about it. I suspect this match will generate a lot of talk among those BGE fans who like to see young muscle boys get crushed. I have to admit that my loyalties lie with the muscle boys (maybe my views will change when I get older). Right now the only thing that would make this action shot better would be if Cooper were the one doing the gut buster. But there's a lot to admire about the strength and power of Rick, too. And some day, hopefully soon, Cooper will get to dish out some bodyslamming and gutbusting punishment of his own.