This week Thunders Arena released a match featuring a new wrestler named Impact. He's billed at 6'1" and 205 pounds. In this match, he goes up against his "brother" Tak, who Impact outweighs by 50 pounds. So given the size difference, this looks like a simple squash job, and the match description promises no less than three gorilla presses by Impact. I'm thinking Thunders Arena needs to change its name to the Gorilla Press Wrestling Association. The match title is Bodybuilder Battle 52, but I take issue with that. Neither wrestler here has the large bulky muscle you expect to see of bodybuilders. Instead both guys are lean muscle jocks, the kind you expect wrestlers to be. Impact in these pictures is king of the world. I like the look of cocky confidence he has while he's in total control of his little opponent. Tak adds to the scene as he just hangs their limply and grimaces. If you watch the short video preview of the match, you can hear Tak beg "Not again! Don't do it!" as Impact presses him overhead a second time. You're in total control of your opponent. He's experiencing physical discomfort. He even begs you for mercy. As a wrestler, it's moments like these that make the years of practice, hard work, and training all worth while.
Even though this is an older post I just had to comment. This guy is the total package. Nothing hotter than seeing an athletic guy effortlessly pressing another guy overhead. The match with Tak was great because there were 3 (could have been more). Impact is dominate enough to be pressing everyone he has been wrestling. I was disappointed that there was only 1 with zman and 0 with mogly.