Sunday, January 13, 2019

The New Boy Toy

Back in the earlier days of Thunders Arena, there was always one wrestler who was what I called the "Boy Toy" -- a smaller wrestler who often was no more than just a play thing for the bigger muscle studs at TA.  The Boy Toy often found himself high in the air, pressed overhead by the many powerful bodybuilders on the TA roster.  Older examples of the Boy Toy included Tak and Angel.  But I thought TA had moved beyond this gimic, and the Boy Toy character was no more.  Well, the other day while looking through some of my favorite photos from TA, I had a "holy crap!" moment.  It hit me that Blayne is the new Boy Toy!  How could I have missed this?  Blayne is no newcomer at Thunders Arena, and he's been gorilla pressed by some of TA's finest.  I am a professionally trained blogger, so I need to start paying better attention to these kind of things!