Friday, January 10, 2020

Return to Flex City

If there's one thing all muscleboys love to do, it's flex.  Our friends over at 88 Wrestling understand this, so every once in a while they like to let their wrestlers show off their bulging biceps in a "Flex City" match.  I've already featured one such match before in my blog, and now that I'm up and running again with a new computer, here's another Flex City match that's worth checking out.  The guys at 88 Wrestling pretty much hit the nail on the head with this one by lining up a match between Tanner Hill and the Z-Man.  I can't think of two other wrestlers who like flexing more than Tanner and the Z-Man.

Now, if you ever want to visit Flex City, there are some ground rules you need to be aware of.  Lucky for us, Tanner has offered to demonstrate them:  

Whenever you scoop your opponent up, you like to parade him around and then slam his body down hard.  But in Flex City, you also gotta stand over him and flex your biceps!

You carry your opponent around over the shoulder?  You better flex!  Get him into a spine-snapping camel clutch, don't forget to flex!

You crack your opponent's back over the knee for a backbreaker, what do you do?  You flex those fucking biceps!  So, just follow Tanner's simple rules, and you'll be fine if you ever find yourself in Flex City.

And just a side note before we wrap things up, while this blog post features Tanner Hill, this match is by no means a squash job.  The Z-Man has plenty to flex about, too.  Both wrestlers put on a good show, and only one can win.  But to be honest, it's clear that both Tanner and Z-Man really enjoyed the flexing in this match as well as the wrestling.  And in that competition, they are both winners.

And one final note, Tanner obviously has a great body, and he's done some nice things in the wrestling ring over the years, but I didn't realize just how strong he has become:  Holy fuck!  This guy's a beast!

 Holy fuck!  Tanner's a beast!

For additional match photos and commentary, be sure to check out Alex's post at the Cave and Joe's post at Ringside.

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