Sunday, May 8, 2016

New Kid on the Block

For the past couple of years Tak has been the golden boy of Thunders Arena, and by "golden boy" I mean the small dude who gets thrown into the ring like a piece of meat to satisfy the muscle monsters that regularly appear on TA's roster.  But are Tak's days numbered?  There's a new kid at TA who's giving our golden boy some competition.  It's Flaco, who at 5' 9" and 140 pounds really lives up to his name (I think "flaco" basically means "scrawny" in Spanish, but I'm too lazy to look it up right now).  Recent matches have him wrestling the likes of Kid Titan, Talon, and Viggo, just to name a few.  Tak has got some competition now, because I like the looks of this little dude as he gets tossed around in the ring.  Welcome to Thunders Arena kid!


  1. I'm glad you pointed him out. I need to watch this!

  2. If Flaco is the new piece of meat at Thunders Arena then it's past time for him to get served up to Brian Cage. Thunders Arena, are you listening?
