Saturday, August 13, 2011

Who to Bodyslam?

There's a little game I like to play sometimes which I'll share with you. Basically, it's whenever I see an athletic guy, I categorize him into whether or not I want to bodyslam him. The guys here all fall into the category of guys I definitely want to bodyslam. First is Aryx Quinn (aka Tristan Baldwin) who wrestles for several Internet groups, most notably BGEast. He's a little bigger than me and more muscular. But dominating a bigger muscular guy is pretty fun, so I would love to get my hands on him and slam his ass. The next guy is the Travis Lee I mentioned in my last post. I'm in a bigger weight class than Travis was, so it should be pretty easy to scoop him up and carry him around before dumping him back onto the mat. And how cool would it be to bodyslam an NCAA champion? The third guy is Jake Jenkins from Rock Hard Wrestling and BGEast. Now, who wouldn't want to slide his arm through this dude's crotch and grab his butt as you lift him up into the air. Make sure you mock him mercilessly while you parade him around in humiliating fashion. I wouldn't mind wrapping my arms around him for a massive bearhug, too, but that's for another blog. I don't know who the last guy is, but he just represents all wrestlers I see at wrestling tournaments. I wish I could bodyslam each and every one of them.

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