Friday, October 14, 2016

Lift and Carry

Enjoy these action shots from a match at Thunders Arena between Dozer and Frey (Austin Cooper).  It's a contest featuring muscles of epic proportion (but you can say that about any match where Dozer wrestles).  Among the many things I love about wrestling is lift and carry.  That should come as no surprise since my blog really is a celebration of the lift and carry in wrestling.  I love it when I lift and carry another dude, and I love it when another dude lifts and carries me.  I love seeing other wrestlers lift and carry each other.  You may wonder, what's the point, really?  Why train so hard to be a wrestler?  Why work out and lift weights?  Why build big mucles?  Well, you build big muscles not only because they make you look good, but because you want to put them to use.  You want to dominate another dude in a match.  You want to show off your strength and power by lifting him up and carrying him around before you slam him hard to the mat.  And when the match is over, you want to be the Alpha male who gets to do this:

So, to be honest, that's really the point of it all.  For a wrestler, everything else is secondary.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Lift and carry - now if only the wrestling world would do more CRADLE CARRYING - carrying men in the arms like a bride over the threshold. The body slam is close though...
