Friday, April 3, 2020

Wrestling In the Time of Corona Virus

Wow, it's been a week since my last post.  A couple of weeks ago I figured with all this social distancing, stay at home orders, and tele-working, I could devote more time to my blog.  Well, I guess that hasn't happened.  These are crazy times, and life has been challenging.  But I should not complain too much, because it looks like the guys at Thunders Arena are having a tougher time of it than I am.  I mean sure, I miss going to the gym, but when you're a bodybuilder wrestler whose livelihood depends on hitting the weights, life during the time of corona virus really is difficult.

During the "before" times, life looks like it's all fun and games for guys like Loki and Scrappy at TA, with their ripped physiques and all.  But now, when you spend all day in a Las Vegas penthouse, just hanging around in your posers with no access to the gym, things can become pretty challenging.  So much muscle . . . so much testosterone . . . no weight room.  What's a muscelhead to do?  A recent video from Thunders Arena gives us a little glimpse into the lives of its bodybuilder wrestlers, and while things aren't ideal, luckily it doesn't look so grim just yet.  When you got no gym to go to, then you can use each other for weights.  That's what Loki and Scrappy resort to doing when they can no longer stand just sitting around and looking at each other anymore.  To be honest, though, since Loki has a fifty pound weight advantage, it looks like he gets in most of the lifting, but Scrappy can probably tell you that getting beat up is a pretty good workout itself, too. 

Let's hope these guys (and the rest of us) get back to a real gym soon.

I don't think Loki and Scrappy quite understand what "social distancing" means.

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